This week, Jacob and Adam end the Friday Night Hangout!
Link dump:
- No Green Screen
- Amazon Microfiber Sheets (Jacob approves!)
- Amazon Microfiber Comforter
- Residence Hall Supply Ads
- Jacob's Colorful Basement
- Jacob's Blue Website
- Missouri S&T
- Lindenwood
- Jacob's Opening Week GroupMe
- Jacob's Temp Laptop (in his dorm room)
- Pokemon (anime)
- Camp Camp
- Phineas and Ferb
- Pokemon Episode 1
- Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Weedle
- Meteor Shower that Jacob & Kirsten Watched
- Star Trek: Deep Space 9
- Star Trek: DS9 Opening (with a comet)
- Star Trek: DS9 Episode with the Comet
- Oakville Journalism
- Circle of Life
- New Mehlville School District Website
- Old Mehlville School District Website
- Journalism/Newspaper Page on MSD Website
- Band Together (2015 Evanescense Show)
- Everything in its Right Place (2016 Radiohead Show)
- Day 5
- RT Docs
- Crunch Time
- First On the Spot Episode with Kirk & Nick
- Second On the Spot Episode with Kirk & Nick
- Third On the Spot Episode with Kirk & Nick
- Displaced DVDs
- Adam's Twitter Account
- Jacob's Twitter Account
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