Episode 77 - NOTS Podcast

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wooooooooooooow.....didnt realise u guys had a podcast
We don't record very often any more, but there are two new episodes coming soon!
Have you guys considered putting these up on soundcloud?
I would probably listen to them while driving
Funny enough, when the NOTS Podcast was started, podcasting on SoundCloud was a beta feature and not available to the general public.

We already have the podcast on iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/id896495827), Google Play Music (https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Irmrro3k4osqebgl6t4l2enm3ti), and we have an RSS feed that any podcast app should be able to read (https://podcast.nerdonthestreet.com/feed.xml). Do any of those work for you? Our current system lets us host the audio files ourselves, whereas mirroring to SoundCloud would require uploading to their platform separately and worrying about their pricing structure, content guidelines, etc.

Edit: We also have a download link on each episode's page, so you could browse this website on your phone and download each episode manually before you listen to it, too (that's how I listen to other podcasts on my Android devices.)