Nerd on the Street help
You need to log in to Nerd on the Street in order to get full access to our features, to interact with other members, to manage your profile, and to be able to manage the content you submit.Wiki+
Wiki+ is a system that allows users to post content into a database of posts. This system is similar to that of a forum, however rather than having a structure of forums and user created topics, it has a staff-managed hierarchical structure of pages.The system can be used for all kinds of things, such as posting reference material indexed hierarchically by category, organizing ideas indexed by topic, or discussing TV programmes indexed by episode name.
The staff will make clear how the Wiki+ system is employed on this website.
Other things to do
Other features we have include:- a calendar
- chatrooms
- downloads
- forums
- private topics (for private messaging)
- quizzes
You may see submission links on the menus, and in other places. Submitting any kind of entry will be a similar process to submitting news: your entry will likely be put in a validation queue.
Child pages: